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Principle 3 – Reinforce independence

3.1 The Board should undertake an assessment of its Independent Directors annually

On an annual basis, the Board through the Nomination Committee assesses the Independent Directors, adopting the

criteria as set out in the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, and reports to the

Board the outcome of its findings.

3.2 & 3.3 Tenure of Independent Non-Executive Director exceeding cumulative term of 9 years and seek shareholders’ approval in retaining

such Independent Non-Executive Director

At the date of this Statement, the Board has a Director, namely Dato’ Haji Johar bin Murat @ Murad, who has served for

more than 9 years as an Independent Non-Executive Director

The Board has assessed, via the Nomination Committee, his independence and, accordingly, recommended him for

shareholders’ approval to continue to serve as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company for the ensuing

year based on the following justifications:

a. He fulfils the criteria under the definition of Independent Director as stated in the Main Market Listing Requirements

of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and, thus, he is able to provide a check and balance by bringing an element

of objectivity and independent judgment to the Board’s deliberation;

b. He brings with him vast experience and expertise to complement the competencies of the other Directors to

enhance boardroom discussions and decision;

c. He has been with the Company for more than 9 years since 2006 and, accordingly, is familiar with the nuances and

understanding of the Group’s business operations; and

d. He has exercised due care and diligence during his tenure as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the

Company and carried out his duties professionally and objectively in the interest of the Company and shareholders.

3.4 The positions of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer should be held by different individuals and the Chairman must be a non-

executive member of the Board

The Board is mindful of the dual role held by Mr. Ng Wai Pin as the Chairman and Managing Director which deviates

from the Recommendation of the MCCG 2012. The Board is of the view that there is no concentration of power

and authority, and that no one individual has unfettered powers for decision making. Furthermore, there are sufficient

Independent Non-Executive Directors on the Board who are individuals of calibre, credibility and are free from any

business or other relationship which could materially interfere with the exercise of their independent judgment. These

Independent Non-Executive Directors are capable of exercising independent judgment to ensure fair and objective

deliberations at Board meetings.

3.5 Board must comprise a majority of Independent Non-Executive Directors if Chairman is not an Independent Non-Executive Director

As the size of the Board is small, the Board is of the view that the composition of the Board meets with the minimum

requirements of the Main Market Listing Requirements. Moreover, the Non-Executive Directors, which consist of the

majority of Board members, provide a check in the balance of power vested in the Executive Chairman.

Principle 4 – Foster commitment

4.1 The Board should set expectations on time commitment for its members and protocols for accepting new directorships

The Board, on an annual basis, sets out the meeting dates for the whole financial year so that each member of the

Board is able to plan his schedule accordingly. This helps to ensure that the Board is committed to meet when the time


The Board has also established a guideline on the acceptance of new directorship by Board members. Any Director

intending to take on new directorship is required to notify the Board Chairman before accepting the new directorship

and also to confirm his commitment that the new directorship will not impair his time commitment to the Company.