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Principle 1 – Establish clear roles and responsibilities (cont’d)

1.2 Board should establish clear roles and responsibilities in discharging its fiduciary and leadership functions (cont’d)

Succession planning

The Board views succession planning as important for business continuity. Key positions which are vacated due to

retirement and/or resignation are filled quickly to avoid business interruption. The issue of succession planning is

deliberated at Board meetings such that pertinent actions are taken to provide for the orderly succession of senior


Overseeing the development and implementation of a shareholder communications policy for the Company

The Company has, on its interactive website, a dedicated Investor Relations section where shareholders can

communicate with the Board through the designated Investor Relations officer. The Board has also identified a Senior

Independent Director, namely Mr. Aaron Sim Kwee Lein to whom the concerns of stakeholders and shareholders

pertaining to the Company may be conveyed.

Reviewing the adequacy and integrity of the management information and internal controls system of the Company

The Board acknowledges the importance of the adequacy and integrity of the information and internal controls system

of the Company. Details of the Group’s internal control system, including how the Board reviews its adequacy and

operating effectiveness, are set out in the Internal Control Statement in this Annual Report.

1.3 The Board should formalise ethical standards through a code of conduct and ensure its compliance

The Company has in place a Code of Conduct for its Directors and employees and it is available on the Company’s



The Board also has formalized in writing Whistle Blowing Policies and Procedures, including reporting templates, for

employees to raise genuine concerns, without fear of reprisal, about possible improprieties on matters pertaining to

financial reporting, compliance, malpractices and unethical business conduct within the Group. The Whistle Blowing

Policies and Procedures document has been uploaded on the Company’s website at


1.4 The Board should ensure that the company’s strategies promote sustainability

The Board considers sustainability in its business operations. As such, it recognises the need for the Company to

address sustainability in its business strategy, taking into consideration the governance, social and environmental

aspects. The Corporate Sustainability Statement in this Annual Report provides further details on how efforts on

sustainability are taken by the Board and Management.

1.5 The Board should have procedures to allow its members access to information and advice

The Board Charter provides a procedure for Directors to access information and independent advice in the discharge

of their stewardship role, for example Directors may seek independent legal, financial or other advice as they consider

necessary at the expense of the Company as a full Board or in their individual capacity, in the furtherance of their duties.

Management is required to supply the Board and Committees with information in a form, timeframe and quality that

enables the Directors to effectively discharge their duties. The Directors are provided with Board papers prior to each

meeting to evaluate the proposals and, if necessary, to request for additional information.

1.6 The Board should ensure it is supported by a suitably qualified and competent company secretary

The Company Secretaries of the Company are suitably qualified and competent to support the Board. The Board is

regularly updated by the Company Secretaries on the latest regulatory updates. During the financial year, the Board was

briefed by the Company Secretaries on the amendments to the Listing Requirements in respect of the shortening of the

time frame for the periodic reporting to Bursa Securities. The Directors were briefed on the public consultation paper

on the various changes to the Listing Requirements.


