Frontken Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2014 - page 28

Principle 4 – Foster commitment (Cont’d)
4.2 The Board should ensure members have access to appropriate continuing education programme (cont’d)
The Directors were updated on an ongoing basis by way of circulars on matters relating to changes to the Listing
Requirements. For the financial year under review and up to the date of this Statement, the training courses, forums
and briefings attended by the Directors are as follows:- (cont’d)
Dato’ Haji Johar Bin Murat @ Murad
• Briefing on the amendments to the Listing Requirements in respect
of the shortening of the time frame for the periodic reporting to Bursa
Securities and the public consultation paper on the various changes
to the Listing Requirements
• Briefing by the External Auditors on changes to theMalaysian Financial
Reporting Standards
• Effective Board Evaluations Workshop
Aaron Sim Kwee Lein
• Strategic Cost Reduction and Operations Streamline
• Shares with No Par Value, Share Buybacks and Redeemable
Preference Share – Proposed Companies Bill 2013
• Briefing on the amendments to the Listing Requirements in respect
of the shortening of the time frame for the periodic reporting to Bursa
Securities and the public consultation paper on the various changes
to the Listing Requirements
• Briefing by the External Auditors on changes to theMalaysian Financial
Reporting Standards
Dr Jorg Helmut Hohnloser
• Briefing on the amendments to the Listing Requirements in respect
of the shortening of the time frame for the periodic reporting to Bursa
Securities and the public consultation paper on the various changes
to the Listing Requirements
Timo Fabien Seeberger
• Briefing on the amendments to the Listing Requirements in respect
of the shortening of the time frame for the periodic reporting to Bursa
Securities and the public consultation paper on the various changes
to the Listing Requirements
• Briefing by the External Auditors on changes to theMalaysian Financial
Reporting Standards
Principle 5 – Uphold integrity in financial reporting
5.1 The Audit Committee should ensure financial statements comply with applicable financial reporting
The Board, through the Audit Committee, endeavours to provide and present a balanced and meaningful assessment
of the Group’s financial performance and prospects to shareholders, primarily through the Annual Reports and
quarterly announcements of the Group’s results to the regulators. The Board is assisted by the Audit Committee in
overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process and the accuracy, consistency and appropriateness of the use
and application of accounting policies and standards.
On a yearly basis, the Audit Committee meets with the External Auditors to go through the Audit Planning
Memorandum prior to commencement of the audit. In addition, the Audit Committee also meets with the External
Auditors to discuss their report to the Audit Committee following completion of their audit. The External Auditors
share with the Audit Committee any significant issues on the financial statements and regulatory updates. The
Audit Committee obtains assurance from the External Auditors on the Company’s compliance with the applicable
financial reporting standards.
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