Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

2021 ANNUAL REPORT 85 The Group has adopted a zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruptions and takes a strong stance against such acts. During the financial year ended 31 March 2021, the Group has appointed a consultant to look into the current anti- bribery and anti-corruption system of the Group in order to comply adequately with the Ministerial Guidelines on Adequate Procedures and the review is still on-going. The Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy is published on the Company’s website at 8. Project Level Budgeting Process A project-level budgeting process is implemented as part of the key initiatives of cost optimisation efforts which requires all appointed Project Directors and Project Managers of the awarded projects and key potential projects to prepare Project Budgets to monitor and control the expenditures incurred for each project. The Project Budgets are reviewed by the Chief Corporate Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and relevant Management personnel and approved by the Executive Directors. 9. Non-Disclosure Agreement The Company has enforced Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”) to be signed by all employees of the Group, consultants and key suppliers so as to protect and preserve the security of confidential and proprietary information from being wrongly disseminated or distributed to unauthorised parties. 1. Formal Reporting on Key Operational Matters by the Managing Director to the Board Key operational activities, financial performance analysis, statistics and key risks that affect the operational activities are formally reported by the Managing Director at the Board meetings. This is to ensure that the Board receives continuous updates on the business operations and makes informed and timely decisions on policies in relation to the Group’s operations, where necessary. 2. Group Strategic Communications As part of the key strategic initiatives of the Group, the Group Strategic Communications Department sets the direction for effective information dissemination and to help the internal communications across the Group and external communications are effectively managed and controlled to fulfill the needs of the Group and stakeholders. 3. Continuous improvement on information technology (“IT”) systems The Group had undertaken continuous development and improvement on the IT systems and platforms to support the operational efficiency in various operational activities as well as to enable effective decision-making by providing the decision makers with timely and accurate information. 4. Group Disaster Recovery Plan The Group’s disaster recovery / business continuity plan (“BCP”) has been developed and the implementation was on-going during the financial year. The plan will help to minimise downtime and data loss as well as to ensure the continuity of business operations in the unfortunate event of management systems breakdown and other potential hazards such as fire and flood. Key information and data back-ups of are systematically performed on a periodical basis. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL