Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

69 2021 ANNUAL REPORT Information on training programmes and seminars attended by each Audit Committee member during the financial year are set out in the Corporate Governance Overview Statement under “Directors’ Training”. The Audit Committee meets at least four (4) times a year scheduled every quarter and will have no hesitation to convene additional meetings as the Audit Committee’s roles and responsibilities require. The Audit Committee may invite any member of Management or employee of the Group to attend its meetings if deemed necessary and has access to any relevant form of advice from independent professionals, information and the views and services of the Company Secretary in carrying out its duties and functions. The Audit Committee Chairman reports to the Board on a quarterly basis on all significant matters discussed, deliberated upon and dealt with at the Audit Committee Meetings. Amongst others, it covers the Audit Committee’s recommendations to approve the quarterly Management Reports and Accounts, the quarterly consolidated financial results released to Bursa Malaysia, the annual financial statements of accounts, key disclosure statements on governance and other relevant matters in the Annual Report as well as significant audit issues raised by the External Auditors and Internal Auditors, as applicable. The Audit Committee continuously reviews its Terms of Reference to reflect the updated internal processes of the Management and current requirements as promulgated by the authorities whenever necessary. The Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee is available for reference on the Company’s website at . AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT MEETINGS The Audit Committee meetings were also attended by the Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director, representatives of the External Auditors, Senior Vice President of Operations, Senior Vice President of Finance, Internal Auditors and relevant members of the Management Team to facilitate continuous engagement, direct communication and provide clarification on audit issues, Group’s operations as well as other issues and matters within the terms of reference of the Audit Committee which warranted the attention of the Audit Committee in a timely manner, as applicable. Matters of significant concern raised by the internal and external auditors, if any, were duly conveyed and dealt with by the Audit Committee and / or to the Board. Minutes of each Audit Committee meeting were recorded and tabled for confirmation and adoption at the next following Audit Committee meetings and subsequently presented to the Board for notation. The minutes of the Audit Committee meetings which include details of deliberations, decisions and resolutions on the matters brought up in the meetings are properly maintained by the Company Secretary. AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ TRAINING THE PROCESS OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE