Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 54 II. BOARD COMPOSITION During the year, the Board has 10 members, comprising of seven (7) Independent Non-Executive Directors, one (1) Managing Director, one (1) Deputy Managing Director and one (1) Executive Director, in compliance with Paragraph 15.02(1) of the MMLR of Bursa Malaysia. The Independent Directors make up 70% of the Board composition. Presently, the number of female Directors on the Board is one (1), representing 10% of the total Board composition. The Board will review its composition and size from time to time with the aim of eventually to achieve the target of 30% female representation on the Board. During the year, there were several changes to the Board composition as follows:- • Appointment of Encik Wan Zalizan bin Wan Jusoh as Managing Director on 24 February 2021. • Redesignation of Dato’ Haji Razali bin Mohd Yusof from Managing Director to Non-Independent Non- Executive Director on 24 February 2021. • Appointment of Encik Safian bin Mohd Yunus as Alternate Director to Dato’ Haji Razali bin Mohd Yusof on 24 February 2021. • Resignation of Encik Handrianov Putra bin Abu Hanifah as Executive Director on 24 February 2021. • Appointment of Mr Chia Kok Khuang as Deputy Managing Director on 29 March 2021. • Appointment of Encik Safian bin Mohd Yunus as Executive Director on 29 March 2021. • Resignation of Dato’ Haji Razali bin Mohd Yusof as Non-Independent Non Executive Director on 29 March 2021. • Cessation of Encik Safian bin Mohd Yunus as Alternate Director to Dato’ Haji Razali bin Mohd Yusof on 29 March 2021. • Resignation of Mr Chew Ben Ben as Deputy Managing Director on 29 March 2021. The Company acknowledges and recognises the benefits arising from the boardroom and workforce diversity, includingenhancing theGroup’sperformance, improving efficiency and employee retention. The Gender Diversity Policy is published on the Company’s website at . The NRC has conducted an annual review on the diversity in skills, experience, age, cultural background and gender of the Directors and Key Senior Management. Board Composition and Independent Directors on the Board PRINCIPLE A BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS