Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

2021 ANNUAL REPORT 53 I. BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES (Cont’d) The Board’s roles (Cont’d) The Executive Committee comprises of the Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director and Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day management of the business and operations of the Group. The Executive Committee together with the Group Management Committee and Group Tender and Procurement Committee, collectively involved in executing the business and operations of the Group and implementing the Board’s policies, proposals and recommendations for the strategic directions and growth of the Group. The Board reviewed and discussed reports submitted by the Managing Director and / or the Management on the progress of the operations, business prospects, issues and challenges related to the projects, compliance management, financial performance and issues affecting the corporate image of the Group during the quarterly Board and Special Board meetings. During the year, the Board reviewed and assessed various local and overseas investment proposals as part of the Group’s strategic plan for expansion into local and foreignmarkets. The Board is also regularly kept informed by the Executive Directors and the Management on the Group’s operations, the latest laws and regulations and current issues. The Board has established the Code of Conduct and Ethic for Directors (Executive and Non-Executive Directors) which describes the standards of business undertaking and ethical behaviour for Directors in the performance and exercise of their duties and responsibilities as Directors of the Company or when representing the Company. In May 2021, the Board reviewed the Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors to strengthenthestandardsof conductandethical behaviour for Directors in the performance and exercise of their duties and responsibilities as Directors of the Company. The Group’s Employee Handbook and Employees Business Conduct guidelines serve as guidelines for its employees to adhere in order to comply with the applicable laws and ethical standards to govern and ensure long-term growth, development and sustenance of the Group. The Whistleblowing Policy established by the Board applies to all the Directors and employees of the Group and is designed to provide them with proper internal reporting channels and guidance to disclose any wrongdoing or improper conduct relating to unlawful conducts, inappropriate behaviour, malpractices, any violation of established written policies and procedures within the Group or any action that is or could be harmful to the reputation of the Company and / or compromise the interests of the shareholders, clients and the public without fear of reprisal, victimisation, harassment or subsequent discrimination. In compliance with the Section 17A of Malaysian Anti- CorruptionCommission (“MACC”) Act, 2009oncorporate liability for corruption offences, the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy had been adopted as part of the Company’s commitment against all forms of bribery and corruption. The Company had appointed a Consultant to provide technical training and advisory services to assist the Group to develop, implement and maintain appropriate and proportionate Anti-Bribery Management System and procedures for the Group to meet and fulfill the certification requirement of ISO 37001:2016 in the most effective, efficient, and timely manner where all relevant considerations and factors are taken into account within the ISO guidelines. Technical training for the employees on Corporate Liability under Section 17A of the MACC Act, 2009 was conducted to raise awareness of the Group’s conduct and business practises to ensure compliance with the Corporate Liability laws. The Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors, Whistleblowing Policy and Anti-Bribery and Anti- Corruption Policy are published on the Company’s website at . Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors, Whistleblowing Policy, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy PRINCIPLE A BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS