Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 46 Safety and Health - Our Response to COVID-19 Enhancing workplace safety is more important than ever during these unprecedented times. We have been working very closely with the authorities and other stakeholders during the pandemic to ensure the safety of all our employees and the workplace. We introduced str ingent safety and heal th measures across our work areas since the ear l ier stage of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Conduct ing detai led communicat ion wi th al l our employees helped them protect themselves in both internal and external envi ronment . SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT BALANCING PRIORITIES AS A LEADING ICT SOLUTIONS PROVIDER Employees with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including face masks and hand sanitiser. Providing Office-based employees to work from home (“WFH”) whenever possible. Encouraging Employees physically returning to the office to adhere strictly to the safety protocols and measures defined including health and travel declarations. Requiring Safety measures such as practising physical distancing, the compulsory use of face masks, frequent hand washing, regular sanitisation of workplaces and common areas and promoting bathroom hygiene. Regularly engaging with employees to inculcate good practices to minimise the risk of infection at home and at work. Introducing Engaging Protecting the health of all employees during the pandemic Ensuring business continuity to meet our obligations to the nation