Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2021

DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD 42 Waste is reused and recycled internally. Carton boxes and plastic containers that do not contain any secure or sensitive information are recycled. We also engage a professional company to manage our paper waste. Scheduled waste is potentially hazardous to human health and the environment if improperly managed. The handling and disposal of chemicals and other scheduled waste from our manufacturing plant is outsourced to a third-party licensed contractor. Using the services of a leading recovery and recycling scheduled waste company in Malaysia ensures that this type of waste is properly treated before it is disposed safely. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Description SW Code FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Scheduled Waste (kg) - - 1,971 12,060 3,532 4,230 Waste from electrical and electronic assemblies SW110 - - - 8 15 Spent hydraulic oil SW306 - - - 314 647 Disposed containers, bags or equipment contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled wastes SW409 - - 1,510 299 272 Rags, plastics, papers or filters contaminated with scheduled wastes SW410 - - 600 243 277 Waste of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or varnish SW417 - - - - 611 Discarded or off-specification inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or varnish products containing organic solvent SW418 - 1,971 9,950 2,668 2,408 SCHEDULED WASTE DISPOSAL • Expert information security services • Destruction services Managing secure information and the recycling of general office waste paper Ensuring that sensitive documents and information are managed with total security