Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD I ANNUAL REPORT 2020 (Registration No. 200801008472 (809759-X)) 61 PRINCIPLE A - BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (cont’d) II. BOARD COMPOSITION (Cont’d) Succession Planning The Board recognises the importance of identifying and retaining talent as key factor to the Group’s continued growth and success. The Succession Planning Guidelines adopted by the Board are intended to provide a general method to help the Group develop and implement its own succession planning process. The Guidelines are to ensure continuity of key management positions that exert critical influence on organisational activities, either operationally, strategically or both. Directors’ Commitment The Board is satisfied that its members have devoted sufficient time towards fulfilling their roles and responsibilities as Directors of the Company. Details of the Directors’ attendance at Board, AC, NRC and RMC meetings held during the financial year ended 31 March 2020 are set out below:- Attendance of Meetings Name of Director Board AC NRC RMC General Tan Sri (Dr) Mohamed Hashim bin Mohd Ali (Rtd) (Chairman) 6/6 – – – Dato’ Wan Mohd Safiain bin Wan Hasan (Appointed to the NRC on 31 January 2020 and resigned from the NRC on 5 February 2020) 6/6 4/4 1/1 2/2 Dato’ Haji Razali bin Mohd Yusof (Appointed to the Board on 13 December 2019) 2/2 – – – Mr Chew Ben Ben 6/6 – – – Encik Handrianov Putra bin Abu Hanifah (Appointed to the Board on 5 February 2020) 2/2 – – – Dato’ Sri Sharifuddin bin Ab Ghani (Appointed to the Board, NRC and RMC on 5 February 2020) 2/2 – – – Dato’ Wan Ibrahim bin Wan Ahmad (Appointed to the NRC on 30 August 2019 and resigned from the NRC and RMC on 5 February 2020) 6/6 4/4 2/2 2/2 Dato’ Ibrahim bin Abdullah (Appointed to the Board and NRC on 5 February 2020) 0/2* – – – Mr Yee Kim Shing @ Yew Kim Sing (Appointed to the NRC on 31 January 2020 and resigned from the NRC and RMC on 5 February 2020) 6/6 4/4 1/1 2/2 Cik Noor Suhaila binti Saad (Appointed to the Board, NRC and RMC on 5 February 2020) 2/2 – – – * Performed Umrah during the Board meetings held on 20 and 27 February 2020. The Directors are required to disclose and update their directorships and shareholdings in other companies as and when necessary at every Board meeting. The Directors are also expected to complywith Paragraph 15.06 of the MMLR of Bursa Malaysia on the maximum number of 5 directorships they can hold in public listed companies to ensure that all Directors are able to commit sufficient time to carry out their roles and responsibilities. Currently, all the Directors of the Company have complied with the said requirements. The Directors are also required to notify the Chairman before accepting any new directorship and shall include an indication of time that will be spent on the new appointment. Corporate Governance Overview Statement (Cont’d)