Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

Our Safety Performance, by location of our factory operations, were reported as follows:- Description FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Manufacturing Centre, Petaling Jaya No. of Incidents N5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Manufacturing Centre, Port Klang/ Meru Lost Time Injury (Hour) - 1 - - - Safe Man hours 118,395 107,432 124,973 107,433 93,900 N5 Commenced tracking of OH&S incidents from January 2020 onwards. Based on internal procedures, occurrence of incidents (e.g. Injury, Fire, Occupational Disease, Others) , if any, are investigated and reported to comply with the OSH Act 1994 and the Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease Regulations 2004 (“NADOPOD”) issued by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (“DOSH”) and Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. Training and Development Average Hours of Training per Employee, according to Job Grade & Gender (Ref: GRI 404-1):- Total number of training attendees have increased by 93 or 55% (FY20: 263 vs. FY19: 170), mainly due to more Executives attending training in the current year (FY20: 140 vs. FY19: 74). Average training hours per employee had doubled, from 4 hours per employee in FY19 to 8 hours per employee in FY20, due mainly to higher training hours for skills management/enhancement. Sustainability Statement (Cont’d) Male Female Total Male Female Total No. of Attendees a) Top Management 16 7 23 17 12 29 b) Middle Management 15 8 23 15 12 27 c) Executive 39 35 74 102 38 140 d) Non-Executive 29 21 50 47 20 67 Total 99 71 170 181 82 263 No. of Training Hours a) Top Management 133 63 196 133 105 238 b) Middle Management 223 168 391 175 147 322 c) Executive 609 497 1,106 3,269 497 3,766 d) Non-Executive 406 364 770 938 259 1,197 1,371 1,092 2,463 4,515 1,008 5,523 Total No. of Employees 395 258 653 417 261 678 Average Training Hours per Employee 3 4 4 11 4 8 Attendees/ Programme FY19 FY20 Total DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD I ANNUAL REPORT 2020 (Registration No. 200801008472 (809759-X)) 45