Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

Sustainability Statement (Cont’d) Strategic Alliances and/or Business Ventures We have explored various strategic alliances and/or business ventures for the expansion of business overseas, particularly in Indonesia and the Philippines. Ethical Business Practices Our Stance Against Bribery and Corruption Datasonic is committed to conduct business dealing with highest level of integrity and ethics and to comply fully with applicable laws and regulatory requirements on anti-corruption. The Board has adopted a zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption and takes a strong stance against such acts through the adoption of the Group’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (“Policy”) on 29 May 2020. This Policy, which is accessible from the Company’s website: , should be read in conjunction with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act, 2009 and its 2018 amendment (“MACCA”), as well as the Group’s various policies and procedures, namely:- • Code of Conduct and Ethic for Directors (adopted by the Board on 28 February 2014); • Corporate Disclosure Policy and Procedures (adopted by the Board on 26 February 2016); • Employee Business Conduct Guidelines (effective 1 November 2018); • Employee’s Handbook and the addendums thereto; • Financial Authority Limits - 5 th revision (effective 1 June 2019); and • Whistleblower Policy (revised on 27 February 2020). Each Employee shall uphold high levels of personal and professional values in all business interactions and decisions. Failure to complywith this Policy, whether or not this is intentional, may lead to disciplinary action (up to and including dismissal), and criminal liability for the individual involved (up to and including imprisonment under the provisions of the laws). Sustainable Supply Chain Management Supply chainmanagement is an integral part of the Group’s procurement practices. We are committed to the principle of sustainability across our operations and place strong emphasis on minimising any adverse impact on society or the environment. Our Procurement Department works with supply chain partners to encourage the use of products that minimise adverse effects on the environment and health. We also consider the environmental costs associated with our full product life cycles. In respect of the procurement of notebook computers, desktop computers, software applications, IT equipment and other IT related accessories for internal usage, we evaluate our suppliers on yearly basis in order to ensure that the products and services are satisfactory. The overall rating of the assessments performed on our IT Distributers/ Resellers/Online service providers were as follows:- FY19 FY20 External Provider Assessment rating # 81% 72% # Evaluations based on timely delivery of goods/services, in accordance with our requirements/product specifications, prompt services, accurate documentation and competitive/reasonableness in pricing. DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD I ANNUAL REPORT 2020 (Registration No. 200801008472 (809759-X)) 40