Datasonic Group Berhad Annual Report 2020

DATASONIC GROUP BERHAD I ANNUAL REPORT 2020 (Registration No. 200801008472 (809759-X)) 208 STATISTICS OF WARRANTHOLDINGS AS AT 16 JULY 2020 Issued Warrants : 675,000,000 Warrants Exercise price of Warrant : RM1.09 Issue Date : 6 July 2018 Maturity Date : 5 July 2023 ANALYSIS OF WARRANTHOLDINGS No. of % of No. of % of Issued Issued Size of Warrantholdings Warrantholders Warrantholders Warrants Warrants Less than 100 260 3.62 11,418 0.00 100 - 1,000 997 13.88 661,186 0.10 1,001 - 10,000 3,198 44.52 16,879,666 2.50 10,001 - 100,000 2,192 30.52 80,233,050 11.89 100,001 - less than 5% of issued warrants 533 7.42 399,999,950 59.26 5% and above of issued warrants 3 0.04 177,214,730 26.25 Total 7,183 100.00 675,000,000 100.00 DIRECTORS’ WARRANTHOLDINGS (As per the Register of Directors’ Warrantholdings) Direct Interest Deemed Interest No. of % of No. of % of Issued Issued Issued Issued No. Name of Directors Warrants Warrants Warrants Warrants 1. General Tan Sri (Dr) Mohamed 3,750,000 0.56 – – Hashim bin Mohd Ali (Rtd) 2. Dato’ Wan Mohd Safiain – – – – bin Wan Hasan 3. Dato’ Haji Razali – – – – bin Mohd Yusof 4. Chew Ben Ben 110,120,000 16.31 65,125,000 * 9.65 5. Handrianov Putra – – – – bin Abu Hanifah 6. Dato’ Sri Sharifuddin – – – – bin Ab Ghani 7. Dato’ Wan Ibrahim 10,000 0.00 - - bin Wan Ahmad 8. Dato’ Ibrahim – – – – bin Abdullah 9. Yee Kim Shing @ Yew Kim Sing – – 50,000 ** 0.01 10. Noor Suhaila binti Saad – – – – Note:- * Deemed interest pursuant to Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2016. ** Deemed interest pursuant to Section 59(11)(c) of the Companies Act, 2016.