Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

Activities during The Financial Year During the year, the Committee undertook the following activities for the Group: 1. Compension and Benefits i) Reviewed and recommended for approval of the Board the Performance Related Bonus (PRB, 2018) and Performance Related Increment (PRI, 2019) for the Group; ii) Reviewed and recommended for approval of the Board, the Performance Discretionary Bonus for the Group Managing Director and Key Responsible Persons for financial year 2018; iii) Reviewed and recommended to the Board for approval of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the Board remuneration and benefits. 2. Board Succession, Evaluation and Training i) Recommended for approval of the Board, the appointment of new Directors within the CCM Group based on the Board Nomination and Selection Procedure which outlines the skill sets, knowledge and experience, mindset and core values that is required of a potential candidate; ii) Deliberated on the Board Succession Planning, taking into account the diversity aspect of the Board composition and tabled the same for discussion and approval of the Board; iii) Reviewed and recommended for approval of the Board, the appointment, renewal of contract of service and the remuneration package of Group Managing Director; iv) Reviewed and recommended for approval of the Board, the appointment of Non-Executive Directors and Key Responsible Person of the Group; v) Reviewed and recommended for approval of the Board, the Directors’ casual vacancy and retirement by rotation; vi) Reviewed the result of the 2018 Board Effectiveness Assessment of the Board of Directors and Committees of the Board which included the Audit and Compliance Committee, Risk Management Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and recommended improvement plans; vii) Ensured that all Directors received appropriate continuous training programmes in order to keep abreast with developments in the relevant industry, statutory and regulatory requirements; 3. Performance Management and Talent Development (i) Established, reviewed and recommended for approval of the Board the Group Managing Director and Key Responsible Persons’ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and monitors their performance against the established KPIs; (ii) Reviewed and deliberated the Talent Management Framework and Succession Planning for the Group and monitors the implementation of such framework and plan. (iii) Reviewed and monitors the Workforce Demographics of the Group 4. Other Matters Considered other matters as referred by the Board, from time to time. BUSINESS OVERVIEW FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OTHER INFORMATION GOVERNANCE 95 ANNUAL REPORT 2019