Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

Corporate reporting Although the Company is not a Large Company and therefore is not subjected to Practice 11.2 of MCCG (i.e. adopting Integrated Reporting), CCM nevertheless wishes to benchmark itself against such renowned practice. In the long run, the Board intends to undertake a readiness assessment and gauge the necessary measures to transit from CCM’s prevailing corporate reporting regime into Integrated Reporting. CCM has consistently included a summary of its sustainability activities in a form of a report since 2016. In 2018, CCM has successfully produced its first Sustainability Report, in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, which included the formulation of an overarching sustainability strategy to drive the Group forward in its initiative. The Sustainability Report also highlights the results of the materiality assessment and identifies the priority areas which are of importance and relevant to the Group’s stakeholders and pivotal to the success of the Group’s business. CCM has been awarded “The Most Sustainable Practices in Environmental Management” in the Chemical category for Malaysia. In addition, CCM is one of the constituents of the FTSE4Good Index Series. These efforts and recognitions will gradually position the Company towards the adoption of integrated reporting as it grows in scale and scope. The Company will seek to embed the process of integrated thinking into its activities to better streamline its connectivity of reporting from management, its business analysis and decision-making process. Leveraging Technology The Group is committed to having open, clear and timely communications with its stakeholders, both internally and externally. It has embarked on an e-polling initiative at general meetings for shareholders who are physically present at the meeting since 2017. However, for 2019 the Company has yet to facilitate voting in absentia and remote participation by shareholders at general meetings, due to its currents size which is relatively small and shareholders which are mainly concentrated locally instead of overseas. In the midst of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak and guidelines and recommendations issued by the government and the relevant regulatory authorities, the Company has decided to leverage on available technology and fast-track the implementation of voting in absentia and remote participation by shareholders at the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company. Shareholders would be able to participate virtually through a live webcast to ask questions or seek clarification at the AGM. BUSINESS OVERVIEW FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OTHER INFORMATION GOVERNANCE 89 ANNUAL REPORT 2019