Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

Our Stakeholders Stakeholders’ Focus and Areas of Interest How We Address Their Concerns Frequency of Engagement CUSTOMERS • Safe products and services • Quality management • Product quality and safety • Consumer health and well-being • Product environmental and social impact • Transparency and reporting • Traceability • Human rights Standards and certifications Throughout the year Customer feedback (complaints) As and when required Customer survey Biennial for Chemicals Division and Yearly for Polymers Division Product handling training for customers 25 sessions for Chemicals Division Throughout the year for Polymers Division Customer installation assessment Per new customer MEDIA • Economic Performance • Impact of the operations on the community • Product innovation Interviews As and when required Press releases As and when required AGM Yearly EGM As and when required SHAREHOLDERS AND INVESTORS • Business strategy • Financial performance • Governance and integrity • Global business strategy Investor roadshows & Interviews As and when required Annual General Meeting (AGM) Yearly Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) As and when required Analyst briefing Yearly SUPPLIERS • Sustainable procurement • Fair procurement • Transparency • Price stability • Product reliability Vendor development programme Throughout the year Vendor quality audit Yearly Vendor performance audit Each transaction of production materials Procurement system Throughout the year COMMUNITIES AND PUBLIC • Community development • Quality products and services Community programmes Throughout the year Sponsorship and donations Throughout the year BANKERS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS • Financial performance Meetings and discussions As and when required INDUSTRY PEERS • Industry developments • Competitiveness • Open knowledge sharing between industries Industry forums • Participated in Responsible Care Steering Committee and Technical Committee on a quarterly basis Conferences • India Rubber Expo 2019 • 7 th International Protective Gloves Conference & Trade Fair 2019 • ICIS World Chlor Alkali Conference • 23 rd World Chlor Alkali Conference • 8 th China International Chlor Alkali Conference • Malaysia International Water Convention 2019 33 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 BUSINESS OVERVIEW GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OTHER INFORMATION