Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has let an indelible imprint on the very fabric of society. As we come to grips with the ramifications of the impact of the pandemic and the extended lockdown periods on the global and domestic economies, the CCM Group is doing its part to mitigate these effects. Operationally, we are thankful that our respective plants are still operating as both our Chemicals and Polymers businesses are deemed essential industries. While our plants have been in operation since day one of the Movement Control Order (“MCO”) that came into effect on 18 March 2020, their operations have been modified to comply with the strict requirements set by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (“MITI”). This includes MITI’s requirements that only up to 50% of our workforce be allowed to work at the respective plants while the remainder must work from home. We are proud to be helping the Government in its ‘Nyah Cemar’ initiatives at the peak of the COVID-19 period in the country. CCM has contributed our product, Sodium Hypochlorite totalling 12,000 litres to the Fire and Rescue Department (BOMBA) and HAZMAT teams for their disinfection operations within Klang Valley. Sodium Hypochlorite is one of the main chemicals used in the disinfection programme by the Government. The safety and health of our employees and the surrounding communities remain a top priority to us and we continue to implement elevated safety standard operating procedures to combat the threat of COVID-19. All our employees are required to adopt strict measures during the MCO period. They must undergo mandatory temperature checks, diligently use masks and hand sanitisers as well as practice strict social distancing. We are also looking after the wellbeing of the staff working at our plants through ensuring they and their families have access to essential groceries and personal protective equipment and sanitisers. CCM is also doing its bit for the communities that we operate in through undertaking activities aimed at supporting and encouraging the front-liners who risk their lives to protect and save others. Our activities to date include food contributions for front-liners of Hospital Sultanah Aminah and Hospital Permai in Johor. CCM’S RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 BUSINESS OVERVIEW GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OTHER INFORMATION