Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

| Group Managing Director’s | Management Discussion and Analysis A note of appreciation goes to our Board of Directors for their wise counsel and guidance which certainly helped us chart a steady course through a tough year. We thank all our former Directors for their worthy contributions and commitments towards CCM, and look forward to working closely with and tapping the collective wisdom and insights of the new Directors. My utmost gratitude to CCM’s loyal and diligent management and staff who once again stepped up to the plate to prove their mettle. I certainly look forward to your steadfast support and contributions as we set our sights on advancing the Group’s position. Thank you. Nik Fazila binti Nik Mohamed Shihabuddin Group Managing Director Seeing the speed at which all these developments are taking place, we are unable to estimate the full impact of these developments on our business at this point in time. However, rest assured that we have implemented the necessary measures to safeguard the sustainability of our business for the long-term. We are also grateful that our respective plants are still operating given that both our Chemicals and Polymers businesses are deemed essential industries. Today, while we have all the levers that we need to ramp up our performance, nevertheless we still expect to be weighed down to some extent by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall global economy. Moving forward, CCM like all others will have to brace ourselves to face an uncertain future under the ‘new normal’. To strengthen our workforce, we will re-focus our Learning and Development efforts to upgrade our people’s competencies by providing a full and wide range of development opportunities through on-the- job training, work assignment and structured training program. This is to ensure that our employees acquired the necessary competencies to take on increasing level of responsibility and job complexity while at same time fostering employees personal and professional growth. Our goal is to become a diversified chemical company bymoving beyond the basic chemical realm intomore specialised opportunities. As we venture forth, we are to recalibrate ourselves for the changing times; move forward as a united team; conduct our work with a strong sense of ethics; and keep a laser-focus on our priorities to take CCM to greater heights. The sum of all these efforts will ensure that CCM stays on track to deliver sustainable long-term growth. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FY 2019 was indeed a challenging year for us and we are truly appreciative of the resolute support and trust demonstrated by our valued shareholders, customers, government agencies, regulators, business partners and suppliers. We certainly look forward to your continuing support and confidence as we embrace another year with its many challenges and possibilities. CCM will remain agile and resilient to overcome all challenges and committed to driving sustainable growth in all our business endeavours. 28 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF MALAYSIA BERHAD