Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

25. Financial instruments (continued) 25.1Categories of financial instruments (continued) Note Carrying amount AC FVOCI- EIDUIR Mandatorily at FVTPL 2018 Financial assets Group Other investment 10 200 - - 200 Other investment, reclassified as assets held for sale 14 186 - 186 - Trade and other receivables (excludes prepayments) 11 87,436 87,436 - - Cash and cash equivalents 13 136,297 53,406 - 82,891 224,119 140,842 186 83,091 Company Other investment 10 200 - - 200 Trade and other receivables  (excludes prepayments) 11 41,243 41,243 - - Cash and cash equivalents 13 24,960 8,269 - 16,691 66,403 49,512 - 16,891 Financial liabilities Group Loans and borrowings 16 (193,802) (193,802) - - Trade and other payables 17 (46,311) (46,311) - - (240,113) (240,113) - - Company Loans and borrowings 16 (144,442) (144,442) - - Trade and other payables 17 (18,629) (18,629) - - (163,071) (163,071) - - BUSINESS OVERVIEW OTHER INFORMATION GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 187 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS