Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

18. Revenue (continued) 18.1Disaggregation of revenue Reporting segments   Chemicals   Polymers   Total Group 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 Primarygeographical markets Malaysia 261,186 270,371 63,388 62,515 324,574 332,886 Indonesia 3,286 1,187 6,959 9,868 10,245 11,055 Singapore 21,779 30,183 - - 21,779 30,183 Thailand - - 20,323 13,985 20,323 13,985 Other countries 2,902 3,642 5,115 3,786 8,017 7,428 289,153 305,383 95,785 90,154 384,938 395,537 Major products and service line Manufactured products 199,829 262,519 92,720 87,442 292,549 349,961 Trading products 89,324 42,864 3,065 2,712 92,389 45,576 289,153 305,383 95,785 90,154 384,938 395,537 Timing and recognition At a point in time 289,153 305,383 95,785 90,154 384,938 395,537 Revenue from contracts with customers 289,153 305,383 95,785 90,154 384,938 395,537 BUSINESS OVERVIEW OTHER INFORMATION GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 175 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS