Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

5. Investment properties (continued) 5.2 Fair value information Fair value of investment properties are categorised as follows:   Level 3 2019 2018 Group Freehold land 6,360 220 Freehold buildings 210 - Leasehold land 460 - Leasehold buildings 140 - 7,170 220 Company Freehold land 6,360 6,020 Freehold buildings 210 200 6,570 6,220 Level 3 fair value The following table shows a reconciliation of Level 3 fair values:   Group   Company Note 2019 2018 2019 2018 At 1 January 220 20,020 6,220 25,800 Transfer to assets classified as held for sale 14 - (19,800) - (19,800) Transfer from property, plant and equipment 3 6,500 - - - Change in fair value - other income - unrealised 450 - 350 220 At 31 December 7,170 220 6,570 6,220 | Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) | 158 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF MALAYSIA BERHAD