Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2019

| Chairman’s Statement | FOCUSED ON GOOD SHAREHOLDER VALUE CREATION As part of our efforts to create value for the Group’s shareholders, the Board of Directors and Management of CCM continue to maintain a steadfast focus on the performance of our business, whether it is by way of business growth, profits, return on investment, increased market share or strengthening of our brand equity. Mindful of our shareholders’ expectations, we continue to look for ways and means to reward shareholders in a fitting manner at the opportune time. In respect of FY 2019, we rewarded our shareholders by paying out an interim ordinary dividend of 3.00 sen per ordinary share totalling RM5.0 million to shareholders on 27 December 2019. The Board strongly feels that it should continue to pay dividends in this trying period especially with COVID-19 impacting our livelihood. The initial plan to recommend for final dividend to the shareholders of the company was changed to interim dividend as the Movement Control Order (MCO) has affected our administrative ability to execute the dividend payment. Consequently, the Board has approved a second interim dividend of 2.00 sen per share or approximately RM3.4 million to facilitate the Company to pay the dividend on 19 June 2020 as earlier announced to Bursa Malaysia. Altogether, these dividend payments represent a pay- out ratio of approximately 54.5% of our profit after tax and minority interest (PATAMI) and will amount to a total dividend pay-out of RM8.4 million for FY 2019 (FY 2018: RM15.1 million). The Group is also constantly endeavouring to create greater shareholder value through non-tangible means. FY 2019 saw us continuing to earn a host of awards and accolades for demonstrating excellence on several fronts. CCM was hailed as having “The Most Sustainable Practices in Environmental Management” in the Chemical category for Malaysia at the International Finance Awards 2019 Asia Pacific event. CCM was also awarded with The BrandLaureate SMEs Strategic Business Partners Awards 2018-2019 at the BrandLaureate SMEs BestBrands Awards. EARNINGS PER SHARE DIVIDEND PER SHARE 9.17 sen 5.00 sen 14 CHEMICAL COMPANY OF MALAYSIA BERHAD