MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2021

26 LOANS DUETO A SUBSIDIARY ANDTO A RELATED COMPANY Group Company 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Non-current liability Loans due to a subsidiary Unsecured: - Financing in nature - - 92,554 98,662 Current liability Loans due to a subsidiary Unsecured: - Financing in nature - - 31,228 30,194 Loan due to a related company Unsecured: - Financing in nature - 47,152 - 10,108 Loan due to a subsidiary relates to a short term and long term funding facility from a subsidiary. The loan is unsecured, denominated in Ringgit Malaysia and the average interest rate of the loan ranges from 3.02% - 4.48% (2020: 3.02% - 4.48% per annum). Short term funding is repayable in 6 months from the drawdown date. Long term funding is repayable within 7 years. Loan due to a related company relates to short term funding facility from subsidiary of the immediate holding company. The average interest rate of the loan is 2.92% (2020: 2.85% - 4.45%) per annum. NOTESTOTHE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHE FINANCIALYEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY HOWWE ARE GOVERNED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 349