MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2021

NOTESTOTHE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FORTHE FINANCIALYEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 11 PROFIT BEFORE ZAKAT ANDTAXATION – CONTINUING OPERATIONS Profit before zakat and taxation is stated after charging/(crediting): Group Company 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Cost of raw sugar consumed 1,562,563 1,326,838 - - Changes in inventories of work in progress, refined sugar and molasses (146,574) 44,767 - - Inventories written off 6,081 1,376 - - Allowance for inventory obsolescence 10,957 18,545 - - Net realisable value of inventories - write down of inventories to net realisable value during the financial year 13,436 65 - - Distribution and transport expenses 30,442 26,101 - - Natural gas and fuel consumed 116,398 155,884 - - Property, plant and equipment - Depreciation 75,402 72,830 650 657 - Write offs 2,654 1,393 - - - Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (902) (18) (197) - - Reversal of impairment (16,427) (3,807) - - Right-of-use assets - Depreciation 2,748 3,001 661 496 - Reversal of impairment - (7,968) - - Intangible assets - Amortisation 4,690 5,709 1,424 1,474 - Write offs - 534 - 534 Amortisation of advance payment - 2,204 - - Asset held for sale - Loss on disposal - 12 - - - Written off - 387 - - Gain on disposal of a subsidiary (6,287) - (28,721) - Insurance claim 7,244 - - - Loan modification charge/(credit) 9,749 (11,695) 9,749 (11,695) Principal auditors’ remuneration - Audit fee – current year 441 507 161 161 - Other assurance services 284 284 284 284 Other auditors’ remuneration - Audit fee - 61 - - - Other services 31 - - - Repair and maintenance 47,856 45,074 741 1,193 Tyre expenses 478 301 - - Diesel and fuel 1,897 2,444 - - Staff costs* 86,776 79,462 13,423 10,311 Rental expenses for short term leases and low value assets 693 624 - - Unrealised foreign exchange (gain)/loss (1,506) 2,627 - - Separation cost 1,174 11,445 - - SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY HOWWE ARE GOVERNED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 321