MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2021

Principally, in the ERM System, the Group’s key risk factors are categorised as follows: RISK MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Continuous integration between strategies and risk management was carried out to ensure risk management approach is embedded into business decision. Listed below are the key risk management activities undertaken by CGRM to reinforce the risk management culture within the Group: Geopolitical Risk Market Risk Financial Risk Catastrophe Risk Strategic Risk Operational Risk 1 CGRM published its Quarterly Risk Report as a reporting tool to inform the Management, Board Committees and Board of the key risks horizon associated with the Group’s business and operations covering the Top 10 and other key risks. Quarterly Risk Reporting for MSM Group 2 Existing risk registers were reviewed jointly with the respective risk owners at Operation Site via MsTeam approach, to ensure the analysis and corresponding mitigation measures and action plans were effective and adequately documented. Review of Risk Registers 3 Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Workshop BCMTraining (By FGV Holdings) 4 In April 2021, the ERMS has undergone enhancement for the whole FGV Group. The training on the enhancement has been conducted. Categories covered in the ERMS System • Risk Owner • Risk Champion and Head of Operation/CEO level • Sector Risk Champion and Sector Head level The migration of the enhanced ERMS has been completed and moved into Go-Live phase on 4 June 2021. Enhancement of ERM System 5 The BCM QRA has been develop to determine the critical function by each Division/ Department. The assessment has been identified at MSM Holdings Berhad. BCM Quick Response Assessment (BCM QRA) 6 Conducted 4 Sessions CRM training for companies and corporate centres on the identification of corruption risks and preparation of CRM risk registers. Corruption Risk Management (CRM) Training 7 The Risk Management Workshop was conducted in 3 sessions covering all of MSM Group. Risk ManagementWorkshop SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY HOWWE ARE GOVERNED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 255