MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2021

Senior Management Changes to the Senior Management personnel that took place during the FY2021 until the date of this report: Senior Management Changes Type Effective Date Syed Feizal Syed Mohammad Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) Appointment 1 February 2021 Hasni Ahmad Group Chief Operating Officer (GCOO) Redesignation/Appointment 1 February 2021 Fakhrunniam Othman Acting GCEO Cessation 1 February 2021 In February 2021, Syed Feizal Syed Mohammad (Syed Feizal) and Hasni Ahmad were appointed as the GCEO and GCOO of MSM respectively. With the appointment of Syed Feizal, Fakhrunniam Othman ceased to be the Acting GCEO on the same day. Syed Feizal is an engineer by profession and has over thirty-two years of experience in both multinational companies and local conglomerates. He has a strategic mindset which can lead MSM Group to achieve its targeted business plan. Under the leadership of Syed Feizal, MSM has strengthened relationships with local industry players, including governmental bodies (ministries and agencies), analysts, suppliers and vendors. Syed Feizal, together with MSM’s Management have committed to progressively turnaround MSM and to restore confidence of all stakeholders. Hasni Ahmad’s experience in downstream operation in previous employment can guide and lead the MSM Operational Team to effectively monitor the process of sugar refinery in Prai and Johor. NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE REPORT WHO WE ARE STATEMENT & DISCUSSION BY OUR LEADERS HOWWE OPERATE MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 240