MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT Datuk LimThean Shiang Nik Fazila Nik Mohamed Shihabuddin Azman Ahmad Dato’ Amir Hamdan Hj Yusof 8 April 2021 • Dealings in Listed Securities, Closed Period & Insider Training (CKM Advisory Sdn Bhd) 14 April 2021 • Responsibilities of Director - Safeguarding the Company against MACC Section 17A (Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance) 10 May 2021 • Corporate Governance and Corporate Liabilities - by Daya Material (Epsilon Advisory Services Sdn Bhd) 22 October 2021 • On-boarding Session for Newly Appointed Director (MSM Management) 23 & 24 November 2021 • Future Proofed Palm Oil Summit 16 December 2021 • Rethink, Reimagine & Redesign: Business Model of the Future - Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia 17 December 2021 • Becoming a Boardroom Star - Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia 22 October 2021 • On-boarding Session for Newly Appointed Director (MSM Management) 1 - 3 November 2021 • Mandatory Accreditation Programme (Asia School of Business) 26 January 2021 • On-boarding Session for Newly Appointed Director (MSM Management) 27 January 2021 • Convene Training for Dato’ Amir Hamdan Hj Yusof (Digital Meeting Platform for MSM Directors) (FGV IT) 31 March - 2 April 2021 • Bursa Programme: “Mandatory Accreditation Programme (MAP)” (Asia School of Business) 21 & 22 October 2021 • Bengkel Pelan Strategik Felda 2022-2026 (Jabatan Pembangunan Strategik, Felda) 28 October 2021 • Felda Engagement Workshop: Assets Rationalisation (Transformation Management Office, Felda) Directors & Non-Executive Directors Remuneration Directors The level of Directors’ remuneration is generally set to be competitive to attract and retain Directors of calibre to provide the necessary skills and experience as required and commensurate with the Board’s responsibilities, expertise and complexity of the Company’s activities for the effective management and operations of the Group. The Board has formalised its Directors Remunerations Policy (DRP) which spells out the policy and framework of MSM Directors’ remuneration. WHO WE ARE STATEMENT & DISCUSSION BY OUR LEADERS HOWWE OPERATE MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 222