MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2020

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT C: INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTINGAND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPWITH STAKEHOLDERS Relations and Communications with Stakeholders The Company has a Corporate Disclosure Policy stipulating the proper framework and guidelines to govern the release of information to ensure that comprehensive, accurate and timely disclosures are provided to shareholders and stakeholders. The Corporate Disclosure Policy also regulates the review and release of information to Bursa Malaysia as well as through the Company’s website, facilitating timely and accurate disclosure of the Company’s affairs. The Company communicates with its shareholders and stakeholders through the following channels of communication: • Media Coverage and Briefings on the Quarterly Results The Media is an important partner of the MSM Group as it helps the company to reach the public through all sorts of media channel including mainstream and digital media. MSM emphasised on accuracy, credibility, objectivity and timeliness throughout its media relations activities. All forms of media engagement, interaction and statements shall be referred to, prepared and issued by Corporate Communication Department. Our media relations are facilitated by our Media & Spokesperson Policy to ensure consistency and proactive management of the information released to the media whilst safeguarding MSM’s asset and reputation. It includes media release and briefing, press conferences, media enquiry and interview. All of MSM’s media release and media clippings are made available on MSM’s corporate website at and media enquiries can be emailed to MSM also committed to ensure its communication through social media channel which include Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are constantly monitored by Corporate Communication Department. Each engagement, interaction and content posted shall be reviewed thoroughly to safeguard the Group’s image and reputation. MSM consistently update and announce the quarterly result to the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad via Bursalink. The list of quarterly result announcement are as follows: 2020 4 th quarter ended 31 December 2019 25 February 2020 1 st quarter ended 31 March 2020 27 May 2020 2 nd quarter ended 30 June 2020 19 August 2020 3 rd quarter ended 30 September 2020 16 November 2020 2021 4 th quarter ended 31 December 2020 25 February 2021 • Financial Reporting and Disclosure MSM’s Board strives to present shareholders with a balanced and comprehensive assessment of the Group’s financial performance, challenges and outlook (audited Financial Statements and Quarterly Results). The Board is also committed to releasing announcements in a timely manner in respect of the Group’s performance. In the context of our Financial Statements, the Group adheres to the requirements set out in the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards, the International Financial Reporting Standards and the Companies Act, 2016 as well as the laws and regulations in the respective countries in which MSM operates. Our annual Financial Statements and Quarterly Reports are also reviewed by the Audit Committee/AGRC to ensure a fair representation of the Group and the Company. • Annual Report This is MSM’s 10 th Annual Report produced since its listing on Bursa Malaysia on 28 June 2011. The report provides a comprehensive view on the Group’s operational and financial performance. MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BERHAD Annual Repor t 2020 90 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT DELIVERING VALUE MSM OVERVIEW MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS GROUP FINANCIAL REPORT