MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2020

MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad has undertaken the following key activities to show our commitment as being an ethical and professional organisation, anchored on ethics, integrity and accountability: • Roadshow and training programmes have been conducted in MSM headquarter and subsidiaries that focus on: • Understanding on Corporate Liability (MACC Amendment Act Section 17A) • Understanding Guidelines on Adequate Procedures • Whistleblowing • ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System • Email blast related to Governance & Integrity: Title English Version Malay Version Section 17 A Offence by Commercial Organisation P P New Section 17A MACC Act P P T.R.U.S.T Principles P P Anti-Bribery Policy Statement P P • On-going education programmes: • Launching of Governance & Integrity E-Learning Module in 2021 • Establ ishment of Central ised Depository System (CDS) for Policies and Procedures in 2021 The Board affirms its overall responsibility for the Group’s Statement of Risk Management and Internal Control. The AGRC provides an independent assessment of the effectiveness of the MSM’s Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”) framework and reports to the Board yearly. Key elements of the Group’s control environment include Organisation Structure, AGRC, Group Internal Audit, Code of Business Practice, Business Continuity Management, Legal, Company Secretary, Limits of Authority, Polices and Procedures, Financial and Operational Information and Systems and Information Security. The Group operates within a clearly defined organisational structure with established responsibilities, authorities and reporting lines to the Board. The organisational structure has been designed in order to develop, plan, execute, monitor and control the Group’s objectives effectively and to ensure that internal controls are embedded within the operations. Further information on the Group’s risk management and internal control framework is made available on the Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control on page 113 of this Annual Report. Business Continuity Management In normal operation activities and in reaction to current pandemic COVID-19, Business Continuity Management (“BCM”) sets a strategic to actively increase corporate resilience. The objective is clear: to prevent suspension of operations or services. MSM Group take an initiative created a COVID-19 group via “WhatsApp” just to update the urgent matters related to COVID-19. • The MSM Group call tree structure was reviewed and enhanced as part of the Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”). The structure review is to ensure the effectiveness of the BCP designed for MSM Group. • The important of the call tree structure: • Broadcasting the management decision to specific designated parties (internal and/or external) of an incident • Confirmation of facts/information by employees • Headcount confirmation and employee condition identification in the incident • Most businesses are likely to experience significant disruption to their business-as-usual operations and will face business underperformance throughout the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. To help address these challenges, MSM Group come out with the COVID-19 Response Plan. Ethic & Integrity Risk Management, BCM and Internal Controls MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BERHAD Annual Repor t 2020 89 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DETAILS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING