MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2020

Systemised processes are used to identify work-related hazards and assess risks on a routine and non-routine basis. A hierarchy of controls are then applied in order to eliminate hazards and minimise risks, including how the organisation ensures the quality of these processes as well as the competency of persons who carry them out: The following lists the processes for workers to report work-related hazards and hazardous situations: Safety and Health Officer (SHO) Monthly Report – Head of Operation (HOO) will review the report before submitting to the top management. Safety & Health Committee Workplace Inspection conducted bi-monthly – HOD of the related department to join the SHC Workplace Inspection. Conduct Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control (HIRARC) – with HOD of the related process. Hazard Hunt Form – to be submitted by staff when finding any unsafe act, unsafe condition or near miss accident. Safety Toolbox Talk – one of the platforms to highlight any safety issues to staff by HOD. Submission of Hazard Hunt Form to SHE Department upon any finding of unsafe act, condition or near miss incident. Highlight during Safety and Health Committee Meeting. Directly or verbally reported to SHE Department. During Safety and Health CommitteeWorkplace Inspections. HOD to highlight any new risks, new hazards or any safety issues during Safety Toolbox Session. Worker can raise any issue regarding safety by using the EAR card. All the cards will be recorded and action taken will be channelled to the related department with details of issuer. The results of these processes are used to evaluate and continually improve the occupational health and safety management system. Submitted to the top management by Head of Operation (HOO) on monthly basis. The inspection findings will be communicated verbally to the area owner and through share drive for the area owner to rectify the findings and the outcome will be discussed during Safety and Health Committee Meeting. Conduct Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control (HIRARC) with area owner or process owner and HOD to brief to their staff. All the PTW will be recorded and shared to all HOD and PIC for better monitoring. MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BERHAD Annual Repor t 2020 65 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DETAILS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING