MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2020

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) GRI-413: Local Communities MSM Berhad engages with local communities through steadfast commitment to aid the disadvantaged and underprivileged through contributions of sugar essentials, financial aid and volunteerism. In optimising our impact, we actively collaborate and support existing programmes with various government agencies, welfare institutions and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). In 2020, MSM contributed a total of 51,237 kg of sugar products to aid communities impacted by COVID-19 pandemic and through other corporate responsibility programmes. This amounted to over RM100,000 worth of contributions for the community. COVID-19 Pandemic Aid The impact of the global pandemic in the first quarter of 2020 had an unprecedented and startling effect to many segments of society globally, and in Malaysia. The disruptions caused by the Movement Control Order (MCO) have led to company closures and many people losing their jobs and source of income as a result. During this time of uncertainty and loss, MSM participated in various social responsibility and humanitarian aid programmes in collaboration with Yayasan Foodbank Malaysia, NADMA, Felda and FGV in which we donated over 46,000 kg worth of sugar products as part of basic necessities care packages to help ease day to day living expenses. These programmes were held between March to April 2020 across Malaysia. RM 100,000 TOTAL COST OVER 51,237 kg TOTAL SUGAR CONTRIBUTED Other CSR Programmes MSM also contributed over RM10,000 in cash and in-kind to various CSR programmes in collaboration with local government agencies and NGOs; providing support and assistance for the underprivileged segments such as senior citizens, Orang Asli , B40 families and people with disabilities (OKU). Zakat & Alms Giving At MSM, we view our zakat contributions as a fundamental way in which we can contribute towards a more just and equitable society. Zakat or alms giving is based on the Islamic principle that Muslims should ease the economic burden of the less fortunate by sharing our earnings and wealth. In 2020, MSM continued with our zakat contributions of more than RM1.0 million. Volunteer Hours (Man-Hours) 2,000 2,000 2,574 2018 2019 2020 Assistance &Volunteerism MSM encourages employees to engage in volunteer programmes and activities to help uplift marginalised groups and provide avenues of engagement on how our employees can assist communities. However, our progress on this front in 2020 has been quite restricted due to the lockdown/MCO. Despite that, MSM Prai employees continued to chalk up 2,000 man-hours performing volunteer services based on our ongoing Community Programme with Seberang Prai Municipal Council, which has been established since 2013. As per the previous year, activities included maintaining the cleanliness of the recreational public park, mowing the lawn, as well as cleaning the area and its facilities. MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BERHAD Annual Repor t 2020 62 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT DELIVERING VALUE MSM OVERVIEW MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS GROUP FINANCIAL REPORT