MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2020

• Responsible and efficient use of water and energy • Recycling and reuse of materials, water and energy • Reduction of direct & indirect GHG emissions • Management of waste and effluents • Management of biodiversity at all operational sites • Continuous monitoring of key environmental aspects such as energy optimisation, water usage, waste management and inventory of greenhouse gases • Continues to explore initiatives to lower refining cost at each refinery via installation of biomass boilers and solar photovoltaic systems • Optimising 2% of Water Usage • Reducing 3% of Energy Consumption • Provision of fair and decent work environment and wage policies • Adhering to safety and health industry standards to reduce fatalities, injuries, accidents and illnesses of our employees, their families, contractors and customers • Continued investment through training and development • Strategic transformation targets • Focused safety programmes • Internal engagements via townhall, intranet and newsletter • Management dialogues with employees and union representative • Employee engagement survey • To create a more conducive working environment • Offer better packages based on performance and productivity of refinery • Creating opportunity for knowledge and experience development • Continue with Graduate Management Trainee initiative • Focus on training and development initiative to strengthen core competencies • Infrastructure investments and support services • Indirect economic impacts • Employment opportunities • Socio-economic operational impact and initiatives • Transparent and open contract/tender negotiations • Employ a diverse workforce from different backgrounds and professional expertise in operations and business support • Local community engagement and development programmes • Volunteerism • Continued commitment to CSR programmes • Tithe and alms giving • Responsive and viable contribution to community interest and needs • Support for key community developments and activities • Sponsorship and donations RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ECONOMIC IMPACT COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT TALENT DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS OUR RESPONSE LINK TO STRATEGY MSM MALAYSIA HOLDINGS BERHAD Annual Repor t 2020 13 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DETAILS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING