MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

Director Induction and Development Non-Executive Directors are appointed from time-to-time and, on appointment, they receive a comprehensive introduction to the Group’s activities and a tailored induction programme including a number of site visits. All Directors are provided with the opportunity for ongoing training to keep up to date with relevant legislative changes, including covering their duties and responsibilities as Directors and the general business environment. Directors can obtain independent advice at the expense of the Company. The details on the said appointments are disclosed in the NRC Report on pages 89 in this Annual Report. All Directors have attended trainings, seminars and briefings during the FY 2019. No. Director List of Training & Organiser Date 1. Datuk Wira Azhar Abdul Hamid • MPOC Seminar 2019 – Dialogue and Soft Launch of “Love My Palm Oil” Campaign with YB Minister of Primary Industries Malaysian (Malaysia Palm Oil Council (MPOC)) 08 January 2019 • 2019 Price OutlookWorkshop #1 – In-HouseTraining Programme by FGVTrading Sdn Bhd 22 January 2019 • A Boardroom Colloquium on Innovation Governance (MeLearn Global) 13 February 2019 • Palm and Lauric Oils Price Outlook Conference and Exhibition 2019 (POC) (Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD)) 5-6 March 2019 • KLBC’s Fireside Chat with YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, Executive Director of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat (Kuala Lumpur Business Club (KLBC)) 25 March 2019 • Integrated Reporting (IR): Communicating Value Creation (Bursa Malaysia Berhad) 25 April 2019 • Understanding Corporate Liability - Section 17A Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009: Offence by Commercial Organisation by Legal and Prosecution Division, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) - Conformity assessment on ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System – Effective tool to combat corruption by SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd – In-House Training Programme by FGV Group Governance Division 13 May 2019 • Development in Corporate Governance (KPMG Management & Risk Consulting Sdn Bhd) 13 May 2019 • Audit Oversight Board Conversation With Audit Committees (Securities Commission Malaysia) 8 November 2019 2. Dato’ Zainal Haji Ismail • Talk on Corporate Governance – Understanding The Corporate Liability – Section 17A MACC Act 2018 & Guidelines on Adequacy Procedure (FGV Group Governance Division) 13 May 2019 • Board Composition: Nominating Committee’s Role to Achieve Effective Stewardship (Bursatra Sdn Bhd) 10 September 2019 3. Dato’ Hajjah Rosni Haji Zahari • Sustainability Governance: “Towards Long Term Value Creation” (CG Board Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd) 27 February 2019 • Talk on Corporate Governance – Understanding The Corporate Liability – Section 17A MACC Act 2018 & Guidelines on Adequacy Procedure (FGV Group Governance Division) 13 May 2019 • Development in Corporate Governance (KPMG Management & Risk Consulting Sdn Bhd) 13 May 2019 77 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 07