MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

GRI-404:Training and Education One of MSM’s distinct strength is its talent pool of loyal and skilled employees. In building loyalty and workforce strength, we have established a Staff Mobility programme that encourages staff training and development for career progression. The programme has been vital in speeding up learning curves among new employees through training. MSM also employs local graduate trainees under its Graduate Management Trainee Programme, that focuses on on-job engineering and management training, allowing ready deployment when required. Training hours and expenditure reduced in 2019 as resources and cash flow had to be streamlined and optimised during the year. To save on costs more internal resources were used during the year. However it continues to rank as a main priority and average training hours achieved showed only a slight drop. Total Training Hours Total Spent on Training & Development Average Training Hours (hours) 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 19,588 RM472,765 10,311.6 RM251,093 11.6 12.1 12.5 13.5 9.1 10.9 11.9 11.4 Male Female 2018 2019 Management Non-Management GRI-407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining We regard loyalty as the catalyst in forming long lasting and meaningful relationships that transcend work. Through the listed employee engagement activities, we foster opportunites to build rapport, teamwork and inculcate a culture of shared values. These also promote work-life balance by spanning the spectrum of sports, charity, learning and sheer fun. In 2019, we sustained the number of employees covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement in promoting employee rights and welfare. Note: the reduction in percentage for MSM Prai in the chart shown reflects the drop in total number of employees from 2018 to 2019, and not a reduction in employees covered. MSM Prai Percentage of Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement MSM Perlis (Factory) 60% 49% 59% 52% 57 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 05