MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 40 SEGMENT INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Discontinuing Continuing operations operation Rubber, palm oil Sugar Reconciliation* Subtotal and mango Total Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2018 (restated) Total segment revenue 2,214,376 - 2,214,376 1,089 2,215,465 Revenue from external customer 2,214,376 - 2,214,376 1,089 2,215,465 Finance income 1,759 2,298 4,057 - 4,057 Finance cost (38,351) (157) (38,508) - (38,508) Depreciation and amortisation (59,369) (3,111) (62,480) (2,571) (65,051) (Impairment loss)/reversal of impairment (net) - financial assets (3,018) - (3,018) - (3,018) - non-financial assets (1,390) - (1,390) - (1,390) Profit/(loss) before zakat and taxation 88,033 (21,647) 66,386 (6,031) 60,355 Taxation (24,826) (2,683) (27,509) 4,314 (23,195) Zakat (1,500) - (1,500) - (1,500) Profit after taxation for the financial year 35,660 Total assets 3,361,937 134,614 3,496,551 158,791 3,655,342 Total liabilities 116,440 10,398 1,676,838 15,530 1,692,368 Addition to property, plant and equipment 341,675 358 342,033 5,663 347,696 Addition to intangible assets - 2,468 2,468 - 2,468 * Reconciliation arising from investment holding company. 217 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 08